The Sustainability Report 2021/22
Environmental Water Management Solutions For Flood Protection. AVK Gulf and Orbinox Valves delivered valve solutions for the terminal pumping station within Dubai's deep tunnel stormwater drainage project, supporting sustainable processes and the marine environment in Dubai South. 01-10-2022
One of the key environmental objectives set by the European Union Taxonomy Regulation is about adapting to climate change.
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns that affect the environment, like the melting of polar ice, changes in ocean currents, and shifts in the hydrological cycle, such as increased heavy rainfall. Rainfalls result in the formation of storm-water. Storm-water that is not absorbed by the ground due to impermeable pavement or hard surfaces must be collected by an underground drainage system. Poor Drainage systems can lead to flooding, damaging property and potentially forcing people to move to avoid the floodwaters. Flooding can potentially harm water supply systems. That's why we need effective environmental water management solutions to control water flow and prevent problems.
In the past, Dubai South has experienced issues due to storms, heavy rain, and flooding.To address these issues, an extensive deep water drainage tunnel was constructed in Dubai South to help Dubai manage its storm-water challenges. Exhibited as one of the most important infrastructure projects in Dubai, the deep tunnel storm-water system serves the whole of Dubai South.This system collects storm-water and surface water from a total area of 500 square kilometers - equivalent to around 40% of the entire urban city - transporting water through a 10.3 kilometer long deep tunnel that is 48 meters deep in the ground with an internal diameter of 10 meters.

Within this tunnel, the storm-water gathers debris like leaves, paper, rags, and pebbles eventually reaching the terminal pumping station near Jebel Ali Port. The station employs a dual system that efficiently handles excess water through pumps connected to lines extending 600 meters into the sea ensuring high operational efficiency.
Before the collected storm-water is discharged into the sea, a crucial filtration process removes debris, protecting the marine environment in the vicinity. The debris is then carefully gathered in skips and transported to a designated solid waste management system away from the neighborhood, making the main pumping station highly integrated when it comes to services, buildings, and facilities in the management of storm-water drainage as well as surface water ensuring environmental protection towards a brighter and more sustainable future.
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